future-bitcoininvestment.ltd liquidity provider

Release Supreme
Crypto Power

Provide DeFi liquidity to earn up to 10% Daily.
Get Started
Get up to
10% Daily
Liquidity assets

Short-Term & Long-Term

Choose which plan works best for you

2% Daily

For 50 Days

Min Deposit : $50
Max Deposit : $1000
Principle Return

3% Daily

For 50 Days

Min Deposit : $1000
Max Deposit : $2000
Principle Return

4% Daily

For 50 Days

Min Deposit : $2000
Max Deposit : $5000
Principle Return

8% Daily

For 50 Days

Min Deposit : $5000
Max Deposit : $10000
Principle Return

10% Daily

For 20 Days

Min Deposit : $10000
Max Deposit : $500000
Principle Return anytime

Power Up!

Your APY with FBI

FBI is pegged with the US dollar in 1:1 ratio. Back invested amount with FBI to boost your APY.

Back 100% of the LP deposit with FBI to get additional profit of +1% APY*

* LP rewards are paid in both invested cryptocurrency and FBI at the same APY rate.
**You must back no less than 1% of the LP deposit amount to get the APY boost.

NEOS Presale

FBI Token Presale

Exchange any crypto for FBI with zero exchange fee.
FBI current price: $1

Buy FBI before it is listed on exchanges.

Your Journey to Financial Freedom

Begins Here

Create Account
Sign up and go to your Dashboard Staking section.
Choose Crypto Asset
Select coin to invest in and make a deposit of any amount and timeframe.
Earn Rewards!
Keep crypto in your wallet and claim rewards every 24 hours.

Company Statistics

Making vision come true is tough without the world’s brightest minds.
These people shape the future.


Days Online







Go Beyond Your Limits

When you earn, stake your crypto or invite followers, you earn Commissions and advance in level.

The higher your level is, the more benefits you get.
Here’s how Reward is calculated:

1st Level
2nd Level
3rd Level
4th Level

*You don't have to deposit to earn referral commissions.